Thursday, August 21, 2008

the countdown begins

11 days...and the chaos of classes begins. i've got those end-of-the-summer blues. when you start to think about how you didn't take that mini vacation, didn't read half as many books as you wanted to, didn't have that fun summer fling, didn't hit the beach. the semester hasn't even started and i can't wait for it to be over.

I finally found out the proper term for they way i eat. I'm pescetarian, which means, like vegetarians, i don't eat meat, but unlike them, i eat fish. it has nothing to do with morals or animals rights though. One year, back when i was Catholic, i gave up meat for Lent (40 days and nights of sacrifice for those not familiar with this practice). When the time was up, i decided to keep going and i was vegetarian for a year. That was 4 years ago and up until a few months ago i'd been doing vegetarianism on and off (mostly off). and never "re-acquired" much of a taste for meat. but i think this pescetarianism is it for good.


Blacktigre said...

I cant wait till classes start.. sucks your summer wasnt all you wanted it to be..
coulda sworn vegetarians ate fish as well.. so why exactly are you a pescetarian? meat not delicious enough? :P

limadreama said...

ha, i cant wait til they're over...just 3 and half months lol. there's many levels of vegetarianism though. the strict vegetarians don't like it when fish-eaters call themselves vegetarian because well...we are still eating animals. but as to why i'm pescetarian? i love fish and it's much healthier than chicken, beef, etc.

About Me

writer, photographer, dreamer