current jam: Q-Tip's "Official"
and i'm reeeeally feelin Stevie right now
current book:
C.R.E.A.M. by Solomon Jones.
i found it in the library today. The main character's name is Karima Thomas, and she goes to Temple. a liiittle spooky
current thoughts: wtf? blaxploitation films still come on tv?
and there's a town called Cockburn?
my last weekend didn't start off so well, but it turned out to be okay. Friday i had my grad check which should be a happy time, because it means you're almost done, but i only left feeling overwhelmed by how much i have left to do. it's what i get for changing my major so damn late. i never regret it though. knowing that i'm doing what i love is what keeps me going. Saturday i had to work and couldn't go to the Common concert. i thought i was gonna be really upset, but other than a crazy guy off the street somehow getting in and scaring guests, and later a fight almost breaking out in the restaurant, it was fine. and i got a free dinner at the end of the night :)
Sunday there was an MC competition at the Bell Tower. I took pics for (,

got some free stuff, met some cool people. Then it was on to Dowling's Palace where i found out there's jazz every Sunday...for free! I love jazz and free is my favorite word right now.
it's gorgeous outside today, makes you wanna be at a cookout or on the beach. but sitting home and relaxing, i'm cherishing this last day of freedom. I'm excited to not be restless to the point where i want to scream, and at the same time i'm not looking forward to the stress of assignments.