i just threw away a bunch of old shampoos i had laying around. i've been trying to learn more about what ingredients are good and bad for hair. i'm looking for simple, solid products for a consistent regimen i can stick to. i always knew mineral oil was bad, but i recently learned it's pretty much synonymous with paraffin. i never thought to look out for paraffin on the ingredients label. after some research, i realized how crummy the stuff is for hair. the downside tho, is that my moisturizer (Twisted Sista by Urban Therapy) contains paraffin and it makes my edges sooo soft, and it's really hard to find a product that does that because my edges are rough and stubborn. so i'm slowly weaning myself off of it. i don't put it all over my hair, i just use a small dab to smooth down my edges. and i'll use it until i find a healthier product that can have the same effect. here's the chemical that you NEED to steer clear of: SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE (and anything closely related to it). you can do your own research. i'm just going to tell you that it's BAD. it is found in many household products such as body soap, detergent, and even toothpaste! it was in all of my old shampoos (and most likely the shampoos they use at the salon) and that's probably why i had breakage. My Miss Jessie's cleanser and conditioner are running out, and i don't really feel like ordering more right now. but i went to rite-aid and saw Renpure Organics Shampoo and Conditioner. i'd never heard of this company before, and i was attracted to it because according to the bottle, it is "free from harmful chemicals", made with organics extracts, and "safe, fresh, natural ingredients". it's also free of sulfates. since i'm still experimenting, what i'm doing today is washing with Renpure Organics: "my pretty hair is parched - moisturizing shampoo", deep conditioning with Miss Jessie's: Creme de la Creme Conditioner, then conditioning with Renpure Organics: "my pretty hair is parched - moisturizing conditioner". why am i conditioning twice? because i heard about double-conditioning somewhere, so i'm trying it.

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