i didn't take pictures this morning because it was raining and well...i just didn't feel like it. it cleared though, and the day turned out to be beautiful. Brandon and i went to the library and i got The Color Purple. i'm so excited to start reading it.
We went to his basketball game (they lost) and there was an old lady selling water ice. i love the hood. where else can you get water ice for 50 cents? personally i think it tastes better than Rita's where they charge you upwards of $3.00. the best part though was him asking me where i got water ice from while he was in the middle of the game.

i changed my mind about leaving Italian bistro again. the hours at Patterson's aren't promising enough yet to rely solely on them. i went there today to find out when i'm working this week, and they were so damn clueless. It's monday and you can't tell me what days i'm working for the week? they know that i have another job and i cant be on call. [sigh] the obsecenity, lol. and i've yet to see a check from Nocturnal for the event i photographed. being broke sucks.
well, back to watching Dr. Phil and bracing for this crazy heatwave that's coming tomorrow.
maybe you should go back to the hood and stock up on some water ice for the oncoming heat wave
i live in the hood. i can cross the street and get water ice.
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