At least it got me out of the house. i didn't work today so i was home all day.
These guys i passed on the way playing on Broad and Walnut were really good

if you ever want a good laugh, just surf through the personals on craigslist. i was watching ellen and she had this couple on the show who reconnected on craigslist. there's this feature called missed connections and you can try to find people that you saw or met but missed the opportunity to exhcange info or lost touch. so this couple met on an airplane but when they landed, they went their separate ways. the guy posted a description of the girl and how they met. she went on and saw it, they dated, got married...whoopedee doo for the love birds. so of course with nothing else to do, i check it out, not that i was looking for anyone, and i was cracking up. i'm about to go look at more, its too funny. my favorite was a guy looking for a girl. he described her as MAD THICK and proposed "let's go get some Church's chicken and listen to RZA" and he had a picture of the Church's Chicken logo. i gotta give it to him for being real.
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